Sunday, February 23, 2020

Black Holes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Black Holes - Research Paper Example The fundamental question is how do black holes come into existence? Stars go through phases in their life cycle where they convert a healthy supply of hydrogen into helium through a process known as nuclear fusion. This is possible due to the high pressure and temperature that occur in the core of the star. At the end of a star’s life, it begins converting helium into other denser elements. Depending on the size of the star will depend whether a black hole will form. Black holes occur usually with massive stars. What happens is that the star begins to collapse on it, pushing toward a single point on the space-time continuum. Eventually, the star collapses in on itself at a singular point in space, which creates a quantum singularity, or black hole. At this point, the gravity is so immense that nothing can escape the pull of gravity, not even light, which moves at 3.0 x 109 m/s (Ferguson 6-8). The mechanics of a black hole can be simply put into the metaphor of a water drain th at sucks up water. The first important component of a black hole is understanding the limits and properties of a black hole. The first is the Schwarzschild radius, which is where the beginning of the black whole’s influence begins. ... The Principle of Cosmic Censorship describes this phenomenon in that because there is so much discrepancies between the laws of physics inside and outside the black hole, that scientists can ignore the laws of physics when studying inside the black hole (Wald 115). Even though the existence of black holes has been proven, it is hard for scientists to find the evidence to support the existence that these invisible entities exist. This is due the fact that they do not emit any type of energy on their own; the only way that scientists can study black holes is by watching them interact with other astrological phenomenon (hence why they were termed black holes). Thus scientists have had to develop new technologies in order to see the complex interactions that black holes have on celestial objects. One of the ways in which scientists can study black holes is how they interact with normal matter in space. The vacuum in interstellar space does not contain much normal matter, as it is mostly concentrated in the form of stars, solar systems, nebulas, etc. Due to the intense gravitational forces and the angular centripetal force, any matter that gets caught in the event horizon is suddenly accelerated through space. This friction and acceleration causes the temperature of the matter to rise exponentially due to speed and friction. As the matter spins around, it gives off different types of forms of radiation, which can then be picked up by scientific instruments. Sometimes, jets of accelerated energy will be emitted from the black hole, but the mechanics of how this occurs still is unknown to scientists. This shows that there is a black whole in the region interacting with objects (Wheeler 209-20). As stated previously, when matter is brought into

Friday, February 7, 2020

Modern chinese history Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Modern chinese history - Research Paper Example Attempts by barbarians like the Manchu who earlier made contact with China did not have any influence on their way of life and instead got assimilated into the Han Chinese culture. The silk industry for example, has been part of China’s heritage for the last 5000 years and the mystery of its leadership had been unknown for centuries. The recently opened forbidden city that had for hundreds of years been the emperors residences and not accessible by any members of the public for the past 500 years is an example of how tightly guarded the Chinese civilization was and has been. The seclusion from the outside world has been possible over the centuries has facilitated the development of Chinese culture but posed a challenge to this populous nation in the mid 19th century as nations that had made huge technological advancement confronted China. As a result of this confrontation, China faced huge challenges a midst foreign onslaught and this led to a revolution that started in early 20th century that culminated to the establishment of a communist government in 1949.These series of events shaped the political aspect of china and has made it gain much influence in the modern world. The early governance of China was mainly encompassed on the aspect of Dynasties that ruled the state for many centuries since the early 1600-1046BC. The evidence of the existence of the first dynasty was proved by archaeological evidence which established that the Shang Dynasty of 1600-1046BC, was the first Chinese Dynasty, the information shows that this early Chinese society mainly majored in use of bronzes objects, massive ritual vessels and chariots. The information gives a clear indication that the Shang society was sophisticated and well organised with established societal structures. The Zhou, who had been their western neighbours since 1046 to 256BC, later conquered this early dynasty. The Qin dynasty was established and it had much influence on the then society of china, the r eign was acknowledged as the name China is derived from Qin. The dynasty was founded by Shihuangdi who ruled as the emperor and was regarded as a cruel tyrant even though he helped shape modern China by bringing up changes in the administration of his reign. The major achievements of his majesty Shihuandgi included the following: a. He established boundaries, which became the traditional territory of China. b. He developed networks of highways and unified a number of existing fortifications in the Great Wall of China. c. He also managed to establish a proper and basic administrative system that all succeeding dynasties followed over the next 2,000 years. The Han became the next Chinese dynasty after the death of Shihuandgi, this dynasty established much influence in the then China and it even led Chinese being regarded as Han to denote a Chinese. This reign was military capable and fought under the leadership of Han Wudi against its northern nomad neighbour, the Xiongnu as they took control of the eastern portion of the Silk Road, a trading route which was allowed them to sell goods as far away as Rome. Han was able to develop and establish China’s civil service system. This dynasty of Han fell apart during the first half of the 20th century after which the old system of China gradually disintegrated and turbulent preparations were made to lay down a new society. This old traditional governance was undermined by many foreign political philosophies; these critics gave rise to a need for nationalism, which became a very strong